Using four small sieves (or tea strainers), I built this to stop the magpies taking all the food that I put out for the woodpeckers and the smaller birds. It builds upon what I created on my first sieve feeder. All you need is 2 hanging basket frames, 4 small tea strainers / sieves, some cable ties, screws and a piece of wood....

Play the slideshow for instructions on how to make the 'Sieve Sphere'.

It only took a couple of minutes before the birds were using it!

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    Get KreATivE !

    Welcome to this blog which aims to become a place where I can share all my 'KreATivE' projects. I have had so much interest in the ways that I attract wildlife to my garden, that I thought it might be a good idea to have a central place to 'keep' all the project ideas that you can try in your garden too! It will be a mix of projects past (as I try to catch up on previous KreATivE projects I have created) and new ones as I conjure them up! I hope you enjoy and feel inspired to try them in your patch as well. 


    July 2012

    Projects for.....
